Concrete Quotations


The Concrete Quotations option allows the user to prepare and print the bids for the supply and delivery of concrete products to already existing customers and to potential customers.


Once the quotation is transferred, the discounts are displayed in the Define Customer Pricing and Customer Discounts Table options of the Invoicing module.





ClosedConcrete Quotations icons



Used to

Transfer this Quotation

Transfer the selected quotation.

NOTE: The transfer of a quotation ensures that the prices and discounts listed may be used to establish the price that will be charged.

Print (CTRL+P)

Print the quotation.

With the icon’s dropdown menu, it is also possible to access, based on user’s restrictions, the Report Generator.


Access Document Management.

Edit the Base Template of a Quotation

Modify the base template for the quotation.

Close this quotation

Close the quotation once transferred.

NOTE: The closing is to ensure that the prices and discounts created in Define Customer Pricing are deleted.

Recalculate the lien balance

User can recalculate the lien balance displayed in the Ticket List tab.

Copy Quotation

Copy the quotation. All the information entered in the copied quotation will be displayed in the new one. This function is useful when creating similar or identical quotations with different delivery addresses.

Display the non-transferred quotations

Display the non-transferred quotations.

Display Transferred Estimates

Display the transferred quotations.

Display Refused Estimates

Display the refused quotations.

Display Closed Quotations

Display the closed quotations.


User can configure the maximum number of lines in the breakdown section, and the source project.

Only the non-self-explanatory icons or those with special features are defined in the table below.



  maestro* > Tickets > Concrete Tickets > Concrete Quotations > Concrete Quotations


  1. Enter the required information:




Internal quotation number.

NOTE: The user can enter a number manually. The quotation counter is used automatically if the field is empty when saving the quote.


Available values:

Customer - Annual

Quotation is applicable annually for a customer.

Customer - Specific

Quotation is applicable for a specific customer.

Project - Specific

Quotation is applicable for a specific project.


Status of the quotation.

The choices are: Accepted, Refused and In quotation.

NOTE: The status of the quotation must be Accepted before it can be transferred.


Salesperson from Salesperson Management.

Mod. Date

Last date on which the quotation was modified.

NOTE: The Mod. Date is entered automatically whenever the quotation is changed.

  1. Enter the required information in the Detail tab:



Cust. Code

Customer code from Customer Management. A new code can be entered by completing, minimally, the name of the new client.

Customer Address

Address for product delivery. Allows the user to select an existing customer address or to create a new one.

US Tax Code

Select the US tax code.

NOTES: This option is only available if the Management of US Sales Taxes option is checked, in the Management of Taxes section of the Configuration – General Ledger option.

If a US tax code is indicated in the customer address file selected, it is displayed here and is not editable. If no code is indicated in the customer address file, the code entered in the quotation will be copied into the customer address during the quotation transfer. A customer address file will be specifically created to save the US tax code, if no customer address has been selected.


Customer name.


Enter the name of the owner of the quotation.


Indicate if the quotation is to be non-taxable.

NOTE: This option is only available if the Management of US Sales Taxes option is checked, in the Management of Taxes section of the Configuration – General Ledger option.

Attention of

Enter the name to whose attention the quotation is to be prepared.

Quotation Date

Date the quotation was created.

Ending Date

End date of the quotation.

NOTE: If a date is entered in the End Date for Quarry Quotations field in Configuration, the date is entered automatically for all quotations created.


Allows the user to use the forms configured for the selected year.

NOTE: The forms are configured in the Form Management option.

Credit Terms

Payment terms for the invoice from Credit Terms Management.

Credit Limit

Displays the credit limit entered in Customer Management if it has been defined in Configuration of the Invoicing module.


Indicates if the quotation is linked to a DOT (Department of Transport) project. If checked, the Severance tax defined in the source project is not applied when invoicing a quarry ticket linked to this quotation.

Global Disc

Discount applicable to the entire quotation.

Specific Disc

Discount applicable on each product in the Product Prices section.

Price List

Price list from Price List Management.

Invoiced Unit

User can select the unit of measure to be used for the invoicing of this quotation.

Transport surcharge

Available values:


Select the type of surcharge to be applied to the transport price.

Base price

Base price of fuel that will be used for the calculation of the transport surcharge, when required.

To obtain more information on the base price, consult the help file (F1) on Define Surcharge Types.

NOTE: The base price is visible only if The range is the difference between the base price and the actual price box is checked in Define Surcharge Types. If not, maestro* uses the type of surcharge value from the configuration.


Allows the user to enter a text related to the conditions of eligibility of the quotation.

Internal Memo

Allows the user to enter an internal note about the quotation.

Project #

Project number.

Job No.

Used to link tickets to a quotation and apply the corresponding discounts.

NOTES: The Unit Price Source field in Configuration - Invoicing must be set to 3-Work#.

The content of this field must be entered in the Work No. column in Define Customer Pricing for the discounts to be applied automatically.


Allows the user to select the zone of delivery of the quotation.

Customer P.O.

Customer purchase order number.

NOTE: If the Type field is set to Specific, maestro* uses the purchase order to determine the applicable prices.

Date Required

Required date for the quotation.

NOTE: This field can be printed on the form.

Closing Date

Closing date for the quotation.

NOTE: This field can be printed on the form.


Enter the name.


Enter the site.


Enter the contact name.


Allows the user to enter the phone, cellphone or pager number of the contact.


Enter the name of the representative.

Project Type

Type of project to which the quotation applies.

NOTE: The user can configure project types by clicking the Edit the Quotation Template icon in the Project Types tab.

Start Date

Start date for the quotation.

NOTE: This field can be printed on the form.


Enter the name of person responsible.


Enter the carrier.

  1. Product Prices section:




Site to which the quotation applies.

NOTE: The user can configure sites by clicking the Edit the Quotation Template icon in the Sites tab.

Source Project

Indicate the source project code.

NOTES: It is possible to identify a default value in the Project Source field in the Configuration. If present, this value appears by default on each row of the grid.

The project source column appears only if the checkbox Ignore “Define Customer Pricing” prices and use quotation prices is checked, in the General section of Concrete and Quarry Quotations in Configuration.


Product code.


Product description.

Product Type

Allows to indicate the product's type.

NOTES: Only a product type or product code can be entered - not both. An error message will appear upon the transfer of the quotation if both fields are filled.

This column is not visible by default.

Product Type Description

Indicates the description of the product type.

NOTES: It is not possible to modify the fields in this column.

This column is not visible by default.

Approx. Qty.


Invoiced Unit

Invoice unit of measure.

Material Price

Unit price of the product.

Disc. Amt

Discount amount applicable.

NOTE: The user cannot use a discount percentage in this option.

Net Price

Total amount for the line.

Transport Price

Cost for transportation.

NOTE: Available for information purposes only.

Total Price

Total amount of the line. This amount is the sum of the net price of the material and transport.

  1. The Delivery tab allows the user to enter notes on the location of the delivery. These notes appears on the report. It also displays the carrier suppliers (which means the suppliers that are of the type defined in the Supplier Type for Carriers of the concrete and quarry quotations Configuration) and the truck types.

Selecting the pertinent suppliers and truck types creates new columns in the Product Price grid of the Detail tab. These columns allow the user to enter transport rates for every possible combination of carrier and truck type.


The amounts entered in the columns are used only when importing WinTik tickets, when the carrier is specified.

  1. Enter the required information in the Note to Print tab: it allows the user to enter a note for the quotation and print it on the quarry quotation form.
  2. The user can view tickets related to the quotation in the Ticket List tab.

The tickets displayed are selected based on the Unit Price Source setting.


This configuration is available in invoicing configuration in the Project Receivables section.

For example: If the unit price source is set to Purchase Order, maestro* reads tickets with purchase order numbers that match the purchase order number specified in the quarry quotation.

Below is a table of matches between fields in which the user can see the links between the quotation and ticket, based on the configuration selected:

Unit Price Source

Quarry Tickets Management

Quarry Quotations

Purchase order





Project #

Work No.

Customer Project

Job No.

Quotation Number







Amount indicated on this quotation.

NOTE: This information is used to analyze liens.

Payment Delay

Payment terms related to the lien.

NOTE: These terms are displayed to analyze liens.

  1. List of tickets linked to the quotation section:



Ticket No.

Ticket number associated with the quotation.


Date of creation of the ticket.


Quantity of the product.


Ticket amount.


Indicates whether the ticket has already been invoiced or not for information purposes.


This is the amount of the lien, less the amount of the ticket. The balance is cumulative and is carried from one line to the next.

  1. The Customer tab allows the user to enter a list of recipients to whom the quotation has to be sent.
  2. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025